Sober Living Blog

Triggered by Coronavirus? Here’s why – and how to deal with it
Loss of routine, financial instability, isolation… the coronavirus can be a trigger for some, especially those who’ve experienced past trauma. We spoke with Justin Baksh, LMHC, MCAP about how we can all cope with the coronavirus and the massive changes it has brought...

Looking for Jobs for Felons? Here’s What You Need to Know
You were caught in the all-consuming trap of active addiction and desperate for the next hit. So, you stole money or property to get drugs. Or, you were arrested for drug possession or sales. It may have even be a prostitution charge… anything to get money for what...

How Much Do Sober Living Homes Cost?
Sober living homes cost on average $221 per week, or $884 per month, in rental fees in the state of Florida. The median cost (the midpoint at which half of the houses cost more and half cost less) is $260 a week, or $1,040 per month. These numbers were calculated...

What is a Halfway House?
Many people use the term “halfway house” interchangeably with “sober home.” Are they the same thing? Close, but not exactly. Sober homes are a type of halfway house – they are specifically for people who are recovering from substance addition. A halfway house has a...

What is Sober Living?
Sober living is living in a structured environment with other individuals who are also in early recovery and want to live a sober life, offering the support of peers outside the bounds of traditional treatment. It typically takes the form of a residence or a...

The Importance of Aftercare
So you did your 30 days. You completed your partial hospitalization or inpatient program. Now what? Will you attend IOP (intensive outpatient program)? Will you be going home or to sober living? If you're going home, do you have a support system? Once you are out of...

Six Tips for Early Recovery
Recovery is not an event; it’s a process. No one promised it would be easy and nothing is guaranteed. It’s something you will always have to work on. There are things you can do to help set yourself up for success, though, and it starts in early recovery. Take it...